Join the 30K in 30 Days Writing Challenge!

Write 30,000 words in November, build your writing habit, and have fun with the StoryForge community!

Why this challenge?

During November, many writers strive for the goal of writing 50k words in a month. While 50k words has become the traditional challenge, it can be a huge task and comes with a fair share of challenges like:

  • Writing 1,800 words a day

  • Feeling like everyday that you’re not writing is another day those words are piling up

  • Feeling like meeting your word count is more important than the parts you enjoy like world-building

  • Forcing yourself to stick to one story when you like to move around between projects

    This year we want to do something different.

    StoryForge celebrates human creativity in all its fluidity, challenges, and (sometimes) lack of consistency.


you need to know

What’s It About?

The 30Kin30Days challenge is all about building a solid writing habit while having fun with the community!

The goal is simple: write at least 30,000 words in November. It doesn’t matter if you're working on one big project or a mix of different pieces.

Plus, you'll be part of a supportive group to keep you motivated throughout the month.

Who Can Join?

This challenge is for anyone who loves to write, no matter your experience level. You can work on:

● Novels

● Short stories

● Poems

● Scripts

● Or mix things up with different projects!

How It Works:

1. Timeframe: November 1st - November 30th

2. Goal: Write at least 30,000 words. It could be for a single project or a collection of shorter works, the choice is yours!

3. Writing Nooks: To keep things fun, you'll join a Writing Nook—a group of up to 10 writers. Your Nook will be your support team, helping you stay motivated and accountable throughout the challenge. Being part of a Writing Nook is also how you can earn prizes!

4. Flexible Writing: Write whatever you like! The focus is on hitting the 30K goal, and how you do it is up to you.

How to Join:

1. Sign Up: If you don’t have one already, create your account on StoryForge (you can use code 30K30DAYS for free quills during sign-up!) 

2. Join a Writing Nook: Find a group to complete the challenge with. Don’t see one you want to join? Create your own! You can only be in one though. You will only get credit for your 30K words if you are in a Writing Nook!

3. Track Your Progress: Use our tools to keep tabs on your word count and see how close you are to 30K.

4. Support Your Nook: Cheer each other on, share advice, and keep each other motivated.

5. Celebrate When You Finish: Once you hit the 30K mark (or beyond!), enjoy some awesome rewards!

What’s a Writing Nook?

Each Writing Nook has up to 10 people working towards the same goal: writing at least 30,000 words! It’s all about supporting each other, keeping things fun, and staying on track. Writing Nooks make sure you're staying focused and motivated—no one has to go through the challenge alone!

Why Join?

1. Flexible Goals: Whether you write daily, weekly, or in bursts when you can, 30K is a manageable goal to help you build a regular writing habit.

2. Write What You Want: Novels, short stories, scripts—whatever gets you to 30K, it all counts!

3. Community Support: With your Writing Nook, you'll have a group of writers to keep you inspired and accountable.

4. Develop Your Writing Habit: This challenge is perfect for creating a regular writing routine while having fun with others!

Prizes and Rewards


If everyone in your Writing Nook finishes the challenge, you’ll each receive 20 Quills for every participant. For a full Nook of 10 people, that’s 200 Quills each!

Exclusive Furniture Set

When you hit the 30K mark, you’ll unlock a special exclusive furniture set to decorate your StoryForge library.

Completion Certificate

Every participant who completes the challenge will get a digital certificate celebrating their achievement and banners for your social media profiles!

Extra Resources and Support!

Word Sprints: Take part in word sprints (timed writing sessions) to hit your word count goals faster and keep the energy up. We will be organizing some in our discord server and social media accounts, but feel free to do so as well with your Nook!

Writing Prompts: We’ll be sharing writing prompts in our social media that can help spark your creativity if you need a little extra inspiration.

Feedback Opportunities: Share your work with others in your Nook to get feedback and suggestions.

How to Approach the Challenge