A Message From The Team!

Sketches of all StoryForge team

With our Kickstarter launched, we thought we might share our favourite things about StoryForge as well as how we feel about the Kickstarter! We have been on an incredible journey with all of our users and we want to take a moment to thank you for helping us get here!

Sabrina (CEO and Co-Founder)

StoryForge is a place to celebrate new ideas from unusual places. Somewhere I can read stories about things I never knew I never knew about. I’m especially excited for the velociraptor pet, which will be super cute! 

Derek (COO and Co-Founder)

StoryForge, to me, is a love letter to the reading and writing community. I love reading. Always have. Despite more streaming options than I could watch in a lifetime, I still usually turn to a book. But sometimes it feels like most new books I pick up are bad retreads of worn stories. I understand the economics of the industry, and I know how this happens. But as a reader, I simply hate it. So I helped to found StoryForge. Partly for me, but mostly for all the other readers out there. We need a better way to decide what gets published than being already famous or already published. There are stories out there that need to be told. Anyone can be an author. They just need the opportunity and a supportive community. StoryForge is that opportunity. As for the Kickstarter? I'm partial to the "Toss a Quill to your Author" functionality that is in our first stretch goal.

Tate (CTO)

I'm honored to lead the team developing the StoryForge platform. To me, StoryForge is all about serving our writing community, and being able to give everyone — no matter their background or identity — an opportunity to share their stories in a meaningful way. Our Kickstarter campaign will help us deliver on this mission by allowing us to develop some truly unique features (I'm super excited about some of the updates we'll be making to the library!), and we hope that you'll support us so that we can keep making this a community that you feel at home sharing your stories with!

Coriander (Head of Community Engagement)

StoryForge is the best surprise from the universe I could have asked for! I love being a part of the team and the community because writing is a big aspect of who I want to be and with StoryForge it actually feels achievable rather than just a daydream.

With the Kickstarter, I’m most excited for us to build the detailed writer analytics dashboard!

Tim (Project Manager, Marketing and Analytics)

I actually found StoryForge by accident and when I asked if I could be of help, they all quickly accepted me as their own. It’s been a great experience actually working on something that means something to me and also means so much to so many other people. It’s an experience that not everyone gets to have! It feels like cheating to say that the Kickstarter items I’m most excited about are the analytics dashboards since I’m our analytics person so I’m going to say the Bigfoot!

Brittany (Resident Word Witch)

StoryForge is the stuff dreams are made of. The team behind it is made up of the hardest working and most creative people I’ve ever met–and the community that has flocked to the Forge has been absolutely mindblowing in their support and talent. I’m really hopeful we can hit the stretch goal that gives us a chance to share a recommended story with you each day based on your own reading history and preferences. I love seeing folks discover their new favorite authors on the platform!

Yashie (Sleep-Deprived Gremlin)

StoryForge is a great way for me to feel seen! The community itself is very welcoming and friendly. Everyone helps to uplift others, and I love that most about it! I love being a part of this team and the community because it feels like all of my contributions matter. It feels like I am able to help someone else's dreams come true with every second I spend here. Not only are we planning to uplift aspiring authors and help them get published, we're also giving them a community that will help them perfect their craft with every book they release! No matter who they are, I truly hope they feel seen too. Regarding the Kickstarter, I'm most excited for an answer to the ongoing question... Who is Vivik?

Beatrice (Mastermind of Creative Direction and Social Media)

StoryForge changed my life. Yes, it sounds corny but I owe this platform a lot. I had been burned so many times by the industry that I was worried I wouldn’t be able to write again. One day I found the platform thanks to an ad and just the idea of having a community that cared, that wouldn’t make me feel like you I had to burn-out until I disappeared just to have a bit of a chance at getting my books to the people that would like to read it, meant everything to me! I grew up with the idea of “real writers are serious and distant and recluse” and having a Kickstarter campaign focusing on embracing that chaotic, fun part of our creative processes, makes me so excited I’ve been bouncing off walls like in a pinball machine. 

CJ (Coding Intern)

StoryForge is so exciting for me. Seeing so many people use it and care for it really makes me motivated to continue updating and improving. I get to contribute to such an impactful project that I also use, so I really want to see it grow. I'm excited about the Kickstarter because that will help us continue developing the site, AND I get to develop all of the weird features I really want to use.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting new adventure. Make sure to check out the Kickstarter page for more details on our upcoming plans, hopes, and dreams for StoryForge. Back us if you can and share it with everyone you know!

Connor (Full-Stack Developer)

Storyforge to me represents service and opportunity to give. From every story I read to every feature I see used, I know I had a part in providing that service to our users with the Storyforge platform. Knowing that... It’s a great feeling. I’m humbled and thankful for the impact and outreach I am able to be a part of with Storyforge. I can’t wait to see where  the platform takes us.

Lilly (UI/UX Designer)

Through and through, StoryForge puts its users at the center. Every single thing about the platform is built with the users in mind, from the larger purpose to the smallest details. As an Experience Designer, I can say with confidence that putting the users first is what leads to success, so I am thrilled to be a part of the team! I am so incredibly excited to watch StoryForge grow and can't wait to see where the Kickstarter leads us!

Xai (Senior Full-Stack Developer)

StoryForge is an awesome place to hang out, and the best part is that it’s bringing writers and readers together in a fun way. I love building features that make it even more enjoyable for everyone.

Hamza (Senior Full-Stack Developer)

StoryForge combines two of my favorite things, creative stories and gaming! It's been an exciting journey collaborating with other devs on developing features that allows everyone to express their voice through writing while enjoying StoryForge's cool platform.

Leah (Coding Intern)

I have so many ideas for easter eggs! Support the Kickstarter! Let me add a bunch of fun stuff!

Bella (Marketing Intern)

StoryForge is not only a company…it’s a community built by welcoming everyone with open arms. The StoryForge Team has put a lot of hard work and dedication into this project. By contributing to the Kickstarter, YOU can make a difference too! I can't wait to see where this Kickstarter will lead us!

Calypso (Full-Stack Developer)

To me, StoryForge represents incredible potential. In the time I've been working with StoryForge, I've seen it grow from an awesome idea and a barebones database, and to a full blown platform with an amazing, vibrant, and endlessly creative community. I'm so thrilled to get to see the next step, to be able to keep improving the space for readers and writers.

See you in the Forge,

Team StoryForge


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