February 22, 2025 Changelogs!

Hello again! We have a new release for you all!

New Features

  • You can now Like other stories! This is different from Favoriting, where Liking a story lets the author know that you like the story. Favoriting a story adds it to your super exclusive Favorites list (and also lets the author know you like the story).

  • This is a tiny new feature! If you have a story in a Shelf or Favorited and the author of that story unreleases it, you can still view the author and the title in the Shelves & Favorites page. The story itself will still be unviewable, but you will be able to see the Story Card in a Shelf or as a Favorite. The reason for this is so that as a reader, you have enough context to know which story it is and choose whether you want to remove it from your lists or not, and as an author, if people have it in their lists and you decide to re-release it in the future, it will continue to exist in people’s lists.

  • You can now toggle whether or not your story needs warnings!

UI/UX Updates

  • The Notification menu on mobile won’t go too far up the page any more. The Daily Tasks list also won’t go off the screen on some screen sizes, and should also not go too far up the page!

  • We increased the font size of the categories in the Discover page. They were just a little too small before.

  • Genres and Tags will now have a fixed width and all will be displayed in the Summary page.

Bug Fixes

  • We had a couple of bug fixes for the Search page that we pushed a week ago, but haven’t mentioned yet. You can now click on the username and avatar to view the profile of an author from those Story Cards and add the story to a Shelf. You should also be able to view the covers properly!

  • Stories from the Search page will now navigate properly to the Summary page.

  • Auto filling the search bar will no longer turn the box white.

  • Fixed bugs with read Tasks not triggering properly.

  • Fixed a scrolling issue for the Tasks pop-up on mobile.

  • Fixed a bug where turning the page would not scroll to the top or bottom.

  • Fixed a few bugs with the UI when deleting your account.

  • The word count is now fixed for real! It's almost exact now, only off by 10-100 words (roughly based on the size of the story, so smaller stories will only differ by maybe 10 words or so) instead of just displaying 0, so you should see an accurate story length tag on the Discover page!


  • Changed the My Reading List text to say Shelves & Favorites


  • We removed the ‘Read at least a page of a story you’ve never read before’ Task because of a bug. This will likely come back in the future, but for now it will no longer clog up your Daily Tasks list!

Known Issues

  • Stories have multiple manuscript versions. Every version can be released or unreleased to different audiences: public or various circles. When you update the story, it creates a new version. If the story was previously released, the new manuscript version would also be released. This means that older manuscript versions can be viewed on the site even if you unrelease the newest manuscript. We know that this is unintuitive, and we’re working to fix this. That being said, if you want to be absolutely sure that you are unreleasing your story everywhere, you can view all of your old manuscript versions from the Read page by pressing the Versions button on the bottom and check all of their release levels by pressing the Release Manuscript button.


February Changelogs!