Symbolism in Writing: Planned or Subconscious?
In 1963 a 16 year old high school student, Bruce McAllister, wanted to prove a point. Bruce sent a survey about symbolism to 150 famous authors. He wanted to determine how many used symbolism on purpose in their stories. 75 authors responded, providing mixed insight on how writers incorporate symbolism into their work.
There have always been those who write by planning and those that write on a whim, when it comes to symbolism, it’s much the same. However, what’s interesting is the deeper symbolic elements that come up unplanned in a story. Many authors are surprised to find the connections and deeper meaning their readers pull out of a story. What a great compliment it must be to see readers delving into a story so deeply.
What is symbolism?
Symbolism is when things represent other things. Using an object, person, or event can help us understand a larger theme or idea. This method makes complex ideas clearer. This helps us see it in a deeper way than just looking at it on the surface.
McAllister’s survey included four questions:
Do you consciously plan or subconsciously place symbolism in your writing?
Do readers ever infer that there is symbolism in your writing where you had not intended it to be?
Do you feel like the great writers of classics consciously planned or subconsciously placed symbolism in their writing?
Do you have anything to remark on the subject of symbolism?
Some of our favorite responses
In response to this question: Do you consciously plan or subconsciously place symbolism in your writing?
Ray Bradbury: “No, I never consciously place symbolism in my writing. That would be a self-conscious exercise and self-consciousness is defeating to any creative act. Better to let the subconscious do the work for you, and get out of the way. The best symbolism is always unsuspected and natural."
Norman Mailer: “I’m not sure it’s a good idea for a working novelist to concern himself too much with the technical aspects of the matter. Generally, the best symbols in a novel are those you become aware of only after you finish the work.”
Ralph Ellison: “Symbolism arises out of action … Once a writer is conscious of the implicit symbolism which arises in the course of a narrative, he may take advantage of them and manipulate them consciously as a further resource of his art. Symbols which are imposed upon fiction from the outside tend to leave the reader dissatisfied by making him aware that something extraneous is added.”
In response to this question: Do readers ever infer that there is symbolism in your writing where you had not intended it to be?
Joseph Heller: “This happens often, and in every case there is good reason for the inference; in many cases, I have been able to learn something about my own book, for readers have seen much in the book that is there, although I was not aware of it being there.”
In response to the question: Do you feel like the great writers of classics consciously planned or subconsciously placed symbolism in their writing?
Ralph Ellison: “Man is a symbol-making and -using animal. Language itself is a symbolic form of communication. The great writers all used symbols as a means of controlling the form of their fiction. Some place it there subconsciously, discovered it and then developed it. Others started out consciously aware and in some instances shaped the fiction to the symbols.”
And lastly: Do you have anything to remark on the subject of symbolism?
Richard Hughes: “Have you considered the extent to which subconscious symbol-making is part of the process of reading, quite distinct from its part in writing?”
Symbolism can be planned carefully. If you are that type of writer, you might like our template for planning symbolism. However, as we have learned, you may find your readers uncovering unplanned symbolism.
This is a unique blend of your subconscious and theirs. We all experience life in different ways. Yet, we find similarities in the most surprising places.
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