Why Can’t I Change My Profile Picture? (And more questions from Beta users)
Well, it’s official! Beta01 has launched as of January 31st, 2024. Huzzah! And also aaaaaghahghhghghhh. We ran into some login snags at first, but the incredible dev team has been working round the clock to fix everything up for our users.
Since launching, we’ve gotten a lot of good questions. I’m going to do my best to answer some of the top ones below and check out our walkthrough video for a quick tour if you need it.
Draft the Cat sits in a burning building and says “This is fine”
Why can’t I change my profile pic?
Because it wasn’t ready by beta. Profile pictures are directly connected to your library pet (also known as your Draft). Once this feature is available, be sure to check out your library to meet your new companion! (This feature is coming very soon)
How do I get more Quill coins?
Right now, you can’t get more than the 10 for new sign-ins. You will be able to get more Quill coins three ways: 1) by completing daily tasks on the platform 2) by purchasing Quills in the customization shop 3) by watching an advertisement (this feature will be available in Beta02)
Are there any rules about AI?
AI can be used for inspiration, organization, names, translation, etc. but the written work must be done by a human.
Why are there 4 types of XP? How do I gain each?
There are four types of XP (Experience Points) because there are a lot of different ways you can use StoryForge. Each type of XP will show up on your profile and unlock unique rewards as you level up in that skill.
Writer XP: uploading work, adding chapters to ongoing work, anything writing
Reader XP: Reading a chapter, finishing a book
Editor XP: Leaving feedback
Librarian XP: Creating different shelves and adding books to them
There will be more tasks than just this, and we'll also have little info cards added to a later version of the site that will show you what you can do that day to get XP in each category.
Are fanfics allowed?
Yes! Fanfiction is allowed and welcome! It just doesn't have a path to publication.
If getting published is important to you, you can always do what other authors have done and change character names and places so it's no longer recognized as fanfiction.
What’s the path to publishing? When will that be out?
We plan to use the XP on the platform to keep track of how much editing, how many revisions, how many interested users, etc. At a certain point, it will be considered Legendary and ready for publication. At that time, StoryForge will be responsible for getting physical copies, ebooks, and will advocate for the work in retailers. All rights to the work stay with the author. Publication will be available in English and Spanish first.
The path to publication is in the works and some details might change. It also won't be coming quickly because there are a lot of details to sort through.
Is the path to publishing only for traditional publishing?
The path to publishing is for self- or traditional publishing. Any time that you feel a work is ready for publication, you're welcome to take it off the platform and submit it to other publishers. You will always keep the rights to your work. Legendary status will be hard to get, but the advantage to staying on StoryForge is a guarantee of publication once the criteria are met.
Why am I not getting notifications when someone comments on my story?
Because it wasn’t ready by beta. This feature is coming very soon!
How does publishing with StoryForge differ from self-publishing?
Two main ways.
1) We connect you to beta readers and community you’d otherwise have to find for yourself.
2) Once your book is published with StoryForge, we’ll take care of the physical copies, promotion and marketing to retailers.
… Basically, with StoryForge you can focus on being a writer instead of a marketer, influencer, and agent all at once.
Will there be covers?
Yes, the first version of covers will be your choice of photos from the site Pexel. This feature won’t be available until at least March (around the launch of Beta02)
Someone’s being mean on my work, what do I do?
Right now, please report it and the StoryForge team will review comments on a case-by-case basis. We want StoryForge to be a safe place for everyone, and that starts with telling us when you feel uncomfortable. Our filtering of trolls will always be improving – keeping the community positive is our top priority!
There are a bunch of weird buttons under work. What do they mean?
Those weird buttons are meant for you to react to sections of a story with! You can highlight a story’s text and then click one of these reaction buttons:
Heart – “Love this!”
Smiley – “I like this!”
Exploding mind – “Mind blown!”
Question mark – “I’m confused.”
Notepad – “Open feedback” (you can type a reaction)
Eye – “Hide/unhide feedback”
The author will be able to see your reaction to their story when they’re reviewing their feedback.
Is smut allowed? Can I avoid it if I want to?
Smut is allowed so long as it’s appropriately tagged, and is set within a plot (fantasy with spice is fine, so long as it’s not … nothing but spice). Pure pornography or erotica is not currently supported. Works tagged with Sexual Content can be opted-out of, and we’re working to build a more robust filtering system to include ratings and tags.
Have more questions? Drop us a line at info@storyforge.com or join our team in the beta discord.