September Updates
Hi everyone! We know a lot of you are curious about where we’re at, so here are the updates:
Virtual Library v.1
A cozy wooden library decorated in shades of red and orange looks out over a snowy mountain while a grey cat naps in a beanbag chair.
Here’s a sneak preview of the homepage for the StoryForge library! In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be giving this image a polish, and making new designs for the room and Draft. Expect to see plenty of exciting room designs in the next couple of months!
Here’s what you’ll be able to customize in your virtual library:
Your library pet, Draft
The window design
The location of your library (snowy mountain, underwater, space, etc.)
The floor and walls
Extra decorations (ex. seasonal decor like skeletons for Halloween)
We’ve grown our team
StoryForge has gotten bigger - much bigger! Check out our new About page to meet the team.
Building out the StoryForge site
Our amazing team of coders has been working on building the writing platform on the StoryForge site. Below are some screenshots of the comment section of a manuscript-in-progress. Curious to see more? Check out this link to the demo walkthrough on YouTube!
Launch Date
We’ve set our launch date! You can expect the beta-version of StoryForge to be released in January 2024. We’re so excited to show you all of the cool things we have in store for you.