StoryForge: Your Ad-Free Writing Platform

Cozy study room with blue and green themese

Let’s just be frank here: does anyone actually like ads? Or commercials either for that matter. The story is just getting good. You’re super involved, things are about to happen and… now you’re going to hear about laundry detergent for the next 30 seconds. There’s a reason streaming services charge more to be ad-free.

Well, good news: we here at StoryForge hate ads too and we don’t want them on our writing platform. StoryForge is ad-free of intrusive ads. 

When we say we’re all about writing, reading, and editing, that’s exactly what we mean. You’re not going to find any pop-ups or videos sliding down your screen as you’re crafting your ultimate finale. Our writing platform is also a reading platform so we’ve got the same plans for the readers. 

There are not going to be ads popping up as you’re reading the most touching romantic scene you’ve ever read before. You also won’t get them when you’re changing chapters either. When we say StoryForge is a writing platform that is ad-free of intrusive ads, that’s exactly what we mean. 

Now, that’s not to say that there’s going to be absolutely zero ads. We’d love to have none whatsoever but we do have bills to pay. You’d be surprised how much food a digital cat can eat… 

So there will be some but you’ll be able to choose if, when, and how many of them you want to view. Inside the StoryForge writing platform is going to be something we’re calling the Ad Theater. There will be some video ads that you can choose to watch if you so desire. 

The kicker? We’re going to reward you for watching them. 

Every time you watch an ad, you’ll be rewarded with some Quills, the StoryForge currency. With enough Quills, you can purchase a new avatar, library design, or whatever else you have your eye on. You’ll be able to collect Quills every time you watch an ad, up to a certain amount each day. You might even find that there are bonuses from time to time to reward you even further. 

You aren’t going to get Quill-rich by just watching ads, but either way, hey! Free Quills!

So if you’re like us and prefer your writing platform to be ad-free, you’re going to love StoryForge. If you like free currency, you’re going to love the Ad Theater. And if you haven’t signed up yet, come try our Beta! We’re still working out a few things but we’re absolutely ready for you to start writing.

Start writing on our ad-free writing platform that is. 


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How to Provide Author Feedback 101 — StoryForge