Why bother with written words?
“Your startup company is for writers? It's not like anyone reads for fun anymore.”
Ah yes. Writing is dead. Long live video. Why bother with written words? Along with VCRs, cassette tapes, and corded phones, written works are just a relic of the past.
Or are they?
“Everything starts as written words.”
Suppose for a moment that we overlook all 843 million printed books sold in the US in 2021. Suppose that we ignore that the trend in book sales since 2012 has been increasing. Suppose that the $28 billion dollars spent on books last year didn’t happen. This attitude would still be shortsighted.
Because everything starts as written words.
Your favorite movie? Started as a script. Same with every serial on Netflix. Every documentary. Every video advertisement. Every infomercial. Every video game. Every song lyric. Every news broadcast. The written word is the engine underneath nearly every form of media that we enjoy.
But wait, there’s more.
Written words define our governments, our laws, our taxes, our religions. In short, they are the source code for civilization.
So when we say that our company is for writers, what we mean is that it is for anyone that has a story to tell. Whether that story is about a dragon or about a new vision for society, StoryForge is there to help it become better and find readers.