November Updates
Hi everyone! So much has been happening that I forgot to post an update until December. Here’s a quick run-down. - Sabrina, CEO
New mini-game!
What would the best name for a time-traveling banana be? What noise does it make when Jell-O falls on sheet metal? Give us your best short responses and we’ll share your answers! The top 25 submissions are displayed on the leaderboard and have a chance to be featured on our social media! You can check out our mini-game here.
Image description
A screenshot of the mini-game leaderboard. The prompt reads “What noise does it make when jello falls on sheet metal? Or perhaps… what noise SHOULD it make when jello falls on sheet metal?” The top answers are: Schplat. SPLODGE. Schlaap. Plop. Shlop! Well, that slapped. Boiiiiiiinggggg. Thwap. As the wobbly delicacy toppled from the plate and hit the metal table, a myriad stars shone for a heartbeat and them screamed “splootch!” squelch.
Library Rework
More work has been done to make the library accessible for both a mobile and desktop platform - that means reordering things a little bit! Here are a few images of the latest concepts for the library. Neon green shapes show where site icons will be, and shadow-outlines show mobile screens of different sizes. Our next steps now that the format is well-defined will be actually creating the cool items for the rooms!
Feature Freeze
We’ve “frozen” our features, which means that we have a list of features that we’re committed to getting out by our beta release in January 2024. No more adding cool ideas until after launch - but rest assured, you’ll still be getting plenty of awesome in the first release.
Alpha site
The very first version of our website is published (internally, anyway) and our team is adding to its features every day. Everyone’s involved in looking for bugs and glitches so we can make the beta launch the best possible for all of you!