A New November Writing Challenge: 30kIn30Days

There has been a lot of discussion lately about human creativity and generative AI. We have always been very outspoken on our pro-human stance and have vowed to never use your work to train generative AI. This conversation across the web has led many writers to rethink their November writing plans. November is National Novel Writing Month and every year thousands of writers take on the challenge of writing 50,000 words to end the month with their first draft of an entire novel.

As writers rethink their plans for November, we wanted to rethink the challenge completely. That’s how we came up with 30kIn30Days!

Instead of 50,000 words, we decided 30,000 words would be an ambitious goal without being overwhelming.
But what else could we revamp? Well how about the freedom to split your word goal between several projects? We wanted to focus more on creating a sustainable writing practice rather than checking off word count boxes. You’ll have the option to split your word count between several projects, whether that’s a novel and a collection of poems, or a short film script and a nonfiction piece. Whichever way you combine it, you’ve got plenty to work on throughout November.

You can read all about the 30kIn30Days challenge here. We can’t wait to see you, and your work, on StoryForge!


Should We Free Ourselves from Writing Codes?


Faut-il s’affranchir des codes d’écriture ?