
Ecrire pour soi ou pour les autres ? Les biais du circuit de la récompense
Un jour je me suis réveillée et je me suis rendue compte que j’écrivais un roman qui ne me plaisait pas, simplement pour pouvoir devenir un peu plus populaire, recevoir quelques commentaires, vues et cœurs supplémentaires. Je m’étais perdue au profit de mon circuit de la récompense.

Nuevo año, nuevos objetivos: ¿cómo establecer metas realistas para escritores durante el 2024?
Establecer metas realistas y alcanzables es clave para cualquier escritor. Tener objetivos bien delimitados te ayudará a no irte del camino y a mantenerte enfocado.

Optimiza tu tiempo: escribe con el método Pomodoro y transforma tu proceso de escritura
Con el método Pomodoro podrás potenciar el tiempo que le dedicas a la escritura, siendo creativo y eficaz. Con esta útil herramienta podrás escribir sin abrumarte.

La ansiedad de publicar online: guía práctica para superarla
Publicar en línea puede dar muchísimo miedo y generar ansiedad. Estos problemas, aunque incómodos, son más comunes de lo que parecen. Aprende a lidiar con ellos y usarlos como una oportunidad para crecer profesionalmente.

How to Provide Author Feedback 101 — StoryForge
It’s the gift all writers crave: helpful feedback on their works in progress. But providing your personal thoughts on someone else’s personal writing is a mutual act of trust– and that can make creating feedback a really tricky topic.
Never fear, conscientious commenter! We’re here to give you some helpful tips and tricks on giving authors the best feedback possible.

Step Away from the Bookshelf: Unveiling Hidden Story Ideas in Everyday Life
In the past, we’ve discussed the practice of reading in order to write, whether that’s reading terrible books or reading the best of the genre you write within. Today, I’m encouraging you to put down the books, and the notepads, and let’s go out and find story inspiration in the real world!
Actually, bring that notepad with you.

Our Protections Against Plagiarism and AI Misuse
As a writing platform, where our focus is for writers to receive feedback and achieve publication, our top priority is ensuring your intellectual property is safeguarded so that you can focus on writing and sharing your work with other writers and readers on StoryForge. We will never use your work to train AI to create content- It doesn’t align with our values of supporting and celebrating organic human creativity.
YA Basics: Crafting A Compelling Young Adult Novel
Writing a young adult (YA) novel can be rather challenging and even a little bit tricky. But with the right approach and techniques, it can also be a lot of fun and quite fulfilling. In this blog, you will find some tips and guides to help you write a YA novel that will captivate readers, young and old.

What’s Love Got to Do With It?
With Valentine’s Day just days away, love is in the air. From classic tales of star-crossed lovers to modern-day rom-coms, romantic relationships in literature have always been a popular theme among readers. In this blog, we’ll explore the different types of love and relationships in literature.

Why Do You Write?
Writing has always been a massive part of my life. For as long as I can remember, I would fill notebooks with stories, poems, and random thoughts. As I grew older, my passion for writing only deepened, and it has become part of my daily life. But why do I write? What motivates me to sit down and put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard? So, I decided to reflect on the reasons why I write.

Escape the Winter Blues: Cozy Reads with Adventure, Drama, and Magic
No matter what season I find myself in, if I'm looking for that cozy winter magic, a good book is the way to find it. You might get some weird looks listening to Jingle Bells in June, but I guarantee no one would even notice you flipping the pages of one of these cozy winter reads suggested by the StoryForge team.

Why Is Publishing A Book So Difficult?
If you’re a writer looking to get published, you may have heard horror stories about the industry. “Get used to rejection” and “just keep trying” are common pieces of advice, and some writers even say that you need 100 rejections of your work before giving up on traditional publishing for a piece.

Teen vs. Twenty-Something Tales: Delving into the Distinctions Between Young Adult and New Adult Books
In the last few years, the “New Adult” category arrived in the literary scene and it has been…confusing. The distinction between Young Adult and New Adult fiction is sometimes nuanced, leaving readers and writers wondering how to categorize a book. And why does this category even matter? Because when you’re writing your story you want to have at least a basic idea of what themes, tones, and characters your story will include. This helps you write your story and helps the right readers find your story.

StoryForge and The Power of Gamification
Gamifying a task or activity can help drive it to completion. At StoryForge, we’ve gamified writing for our writing platform.

Writing Diverse Characters: Advice From Expert Writers
Writing diverse characters is a challenging but necessary component of writing. Get some advice from literary professionals on how to do it the right way.

New Year, No Pressure: Easy Hacks to Kickstart Your Writing Habit in 2024
Start a sustainable writing habit in 2024 with low-pressure steps to incorporate into each day.