
Faut-il s’affranchir des codes d’écriture ?
Kun Kun

Faut-il s’affranchir des codes d’écriture ?

Stephen King avec Shining, Madame de Bovary par Flaubert ou encore Baudelaire, ces auteurs réputés ont un point commun : ils ont cassé les codes de leur genre littéraire respectif. Mais d’abord, en quoi consistent exactement ces codes ?

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StoryForge Announces Kickstarter Campaign
Beatrice Lebrun Beatrice Lebrun

StoryForge Announces Kickstarter Campaign

The Kickstarter campaign is a crucial step in StoryForge’s mission to change the publishing industry. Funds raised will be used to enhance platform features, improve user experience, and expand the community.

Investors and backers will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of StoryForge and supporting a platform that truly values every writer’s voice.

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The Challenges of Publishing a Book
Tim Bach Tim Bach

The Challenges of Publishing a Book

Is it hard to publish a book? Can anyone write and publish a book? The answer to both is "Yes, but...". StoryForge is here to make the answer just "Yes".

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REJECTS, WE SUMMON YOU!  (How getting rejected helped me be more confident as a writer)
Remus Mo Remus Mo

REJECTS, WE SUMMON YOU! (How getting rejected helped me be more confident as a writer)

The fear of rejection consumed me…I was even afraid to show my writing to friends and family. The act of keeping everything to myself and feeling like an impostor created a sense of safety. I was insecure about everything I produced. Even if I was proud of something, I told myself that others would hate it.

Now, despite my fear, I muster up the courage and submit my work regardless.

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